2024 WSU All-U Campaign

The All-U Campaign is focused on putting Winona State University students first through the generous efforts of WSU Faculty and Staff. From scholarships to student services and more, you can give to any program you believe in at WSU and directly impact our students. Give how you'd like and help us make a bigger impact! Click through each campaign below to find the various causes you can support for WSU students and programs.

How to Contribute to the Campaign:


Scroll to see all the available areas to pick the program(s) you'd like to donate to! Sorted by College, Student Services, Scholarships, and Athletics, you can pick exactly where you'd like to support! 

Click "give" under the area you want to support, select your donation amount, and then search in the cause for the fund you want. 


If you'd prefer to make a gift by check or cash, you can mail to University Advancement, P.O. Box 5838, Winona, MN or bring in person to Somsen 204 at the Winona campus.


An easy way to donate throughout the year is through your payroll! A payroll deduction allows you to set a certain amount per paycheck to go to the fund(s) of your choice.